
Yes, for Ano-rectal modern surgeries spinal or general anaesthesia is must require; but in our centre only local anaesthesia is used under all safety measures.

It depends on the type of diseases. For all Ksharasutra treatment for piles Procedures performed under local anaesthesia, so hospitalization is not required but after procedures the patient should remain in centre for a period of 1-2 hour for observation only. The patient must take rest for a few days at home (2-3 days) for early recovery.

For piles and anal fissure the patient must visit centre at an interval of 7 days for nearby patients only; but for far patients they should learned how to take care the patients at home and they can come 1-2 visit in entire treatment duration. For primary threading in anal fistula the patient is discharged within 1-2 hours but the patients’ needs to attend hospital for changing of Ksharasutra on regular basis at an interval of 7 days. For changing of thread there is no bed rest at all but you have to keep yourself aside from heavy work but can perform walking or light work. This changing of thread continues for several weeks depending on the length of the fistula tract and condition of the patient. Study shows the fistula tract is cut at the rate of 1cm/week. So, if one has a tract of 5 cm, then 5 – 6 weeks minimum required for complete cut of the tract.
During the initial days, this procedure is a bit painful which can be managed by local medicated fomentation, application of medicines and / or local anaesthesia. Gradually, the pain sensation decreases during successive changings.
  • Enquiry About The Problem Is Conducted By The Doctor Only.
  • Inspection Of The Area Of The Disease.
  • Per Rectal Examination Must Using His Finger May Be Done.
  • Investigations Like Probing, Proctoscopy, Fistulography, Colonoscopy, Biopsy, Pus Culture Etc. Are Conducted As Per Requirement.
  • Routine Blood Investigations, ECG, Fistulography Are Often Prescribed For Anaesthetic And Surgical Fitness.

The first thing anyone should do is to educate themselves about the condition. Knowing the truth will not only ease your mind but also give you the necessary tools to make correct decisions about your medical care.

Hemorrhoids are not inherently dangerous. Having said that, there are situations where hemorrhoids can become gangrenous. This is dangerous, although rare.

It hasn’t been medically proven, but people do tend to be more susceptible to piles if their parents have them. It hasn’t been medically proven, but people do tend to be more susceptible to piles if their parents have them. This could be due to a poor family diet or physical built, according to piles specialist doctor in indore. Or it may simply be an inherited genetic predisposition.

The only way to be 100% sure is to visit your doctor. They’ll need to know about your symptoms and may want to do a quick examination.
Unfortunately, without taking remedial actions, hemorrhoids can last a very, very long time. Unlike damage to your skin that can heal, hemorrhoids have to deal with the constant abuse of the damaged tissue because of the need to defecate regularly. This makes repair on its own a very slow process. Fortunately, many options are available to make this process speed up tremendously.
Piles can affect anyone. They’re caused by increased pressure in the blood vessels in your bottom and there’s no discrimination between the sexes.
The short answer is, No, at least not without help. The longer answer is that hemorrhoid is a chronic condition and it is nearly impossible for them to heal without taking at least a few simple steps to aid them.
Yes, they can. If they do, anemia can result so careful attention should be paid to them if this is the case. There are steps you can take to reduce and eventually stop this bleeding.
Ignoring your hemorrhoids won’t be the end of the world, unless, of course, what you have is actually something like colon cancer instead. Assuming that you do have hemorrhoids, however, ignoring them will only bring a worsening of the condition over time. Eventually, you will regret the decision as more and more symptoms begin to affect you every hour of the day.
For the starting cases of hemorrhoids, the answer is an unqualified yes. Even if you opt to have these taken care of surgically as a first option, you most likely will not have changed the conditions that caused them to form, causing their return likely in the future. Fixing them at home with natural remedies and alterations in hemorrhoid producing habits is a long term solution. But for chronic and longstanding cases , you have to take help of Kshar Sutra Therapy.
Pregnancy brings special considerations to the treatment of hemorrhoids. Since anything you use, herbal or by prescription, involves the introduction of bio-chemicals into the bloodstream, it is necessary to consult with a doctor first. However, there are manytherapeutic means and diet considerations that can be used effectively to minimize your hemorrhoidal symptoms. Pregnancy induced hemorrhoids are typically, like pregnancy itself, temporary.
It depends on your symptoms and your personal preference. There are various treatments available, including oral medicines ,creams, ointments, suppositories, injection therapy and Kshar Sutra Therapy. Major Surgery should be considered as a last option , if all other measures have been failed.
It’s hard to say, as piles are different for everyone. But there’s plenty you can do to try and prevent them, involving a few simple changes to your diet and lifestyle.
A fissure that does not heal should be re-examined to determine if an underlying problem that prevents healing exists. This could be due to scarring or muscle spasm of the internal anal sphincter muscle. Those which continue to cause pain and/or bleeding can be corrected by Kshar Sutra Therapy
Surgery is done under general anaesthesia and consists of cutting a portion of the anal muscle and leaves the wound to heal by the time. This helps the fissure to heal by preventing spasm, which interferes with healing. At times, cutting this muscle may interferes with the ability to control bowel movements. Some surgeons may also remove the fissure and the underlying scar tissue, but it will result in a very big wound that may take 3-4 weeks to heal.
patients have to stay in the hospital for a day or two. Complete healing occurs in a few weeks, although pain often disappears after a 5-7days.
Kshar Sutra therapy is done under Local anaesthesia (i.e, only anus will be anaesthetised). It includes putting Kshar Sutra (Medicated Alkaline Thread) at a suitable place in the anus, so as the spasm of anal muscles are released. At times, Kshar Sutra is used to take out the whole Fissure , but not necessary in all patients because the actual cause is spasm of anal muscles.
More than 90% of patients who underwent Kshar Sutra Therapy for this problem have no further trouble from fissures, provided that patient has to maintain a good lifestyle.
Absolutely Not..! Persistent symptoms need careful evaluation, however, since conditions other than fissure can cause similar symptoms.
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